The OLT Board of Directors
President - Dr. Lawrence Messina
Vice President - George Lesko
Secretary - Maria Sandillo
Treasurer - Jeanne Consiglio
About The Orange Land Trust
The Orange Land Trust (OLT) is a private, 501(c)(3) non-profit, Connecticut Corporation, staffed entirely by volunteers. We are an independent non-governmental entity. OLT was organized and incorporated in December of 1968.
Our purpose is the acquisition, preservation, and protection of natural areas, including plants and wildlife and the unique habitats they require, within the Town of Orange, for the benefit of its citizens through passive use. We conduct guided walks, hikes, and events for the public in our parcels throughout the year.
We work closely with the Town of Orange and the Orange Conservation Commission in these endeavors for the benefit of both residents and visitors from surrounding areas. Together we are responsible for the preservation, maintenance and management of over 1,000 acres of open space.
The funds of the Orange Land Trust are the result of bequests, donations from interested individuals and organizations, and annual memberships. Please see our Membership page for additional information. If you would like to donate land, or make another type of gift, to the trust, click here for contact information. We volunteer our time and talents because we are committed to the organization’s goals and to the area we love and care for. Because we are all volunteers, we keep our operating expenses to a minimum necessary to achieve our mission.
Recent Events
To raise awareness, the OLT participates in several events including the Ewen Farm Preserve Owl Prowl hosted by the Orange Conservation Commission. This year's event drew 50 residents of all ages who followed a guide into the woods on an educational adventure in search of owls in their natural habitat. The highlight of the event was when our guide hooted with an owl and encouraged him to fly out of his tree for all to see. The group then celebrated the sighting with hot chocolate and a bonfire. It was a great way to spend time enjoying nature together during the pandemic.
In preparation for the Town’s Bicentennial celebration, the Land Trust hosted a trial run of a goat hike with Kristen Sassano Gill of “Get Your Goat” at the Race Brook Tract. To the surprise of all in attendance, Kristen arrived in a minivan filled with goats of all sizes. As the goats hopped out of the van, it was clear they were ready to hit the trails. Kids were offered goats on a leash while others walked the trails following their sure footed, able companions. Interest in this event was so great, that it will be offered again on July 23, 2022, as part of the Town's Bicentennial Celebration. Keep an eye out for registration information on our Events web page and our Facebook page.